June 17, 2016

AVOID Marvelstocks.in

Vishal of Growthpicks,in has started a new website called marvelstocks,in to defraud investors.

Recently sent a sms from the number +918005385934 touting their new mulitbagger pick.

AVOID THIS COMPANY. This company is similar to HBJ Capital, Osar Capital, Shuble Advisory, Market Index Analyst etc.

These are the websites associated with growthpicks,in, valuepicks,in multibag,in,

They will make money, you will lose money.




Want to make money in the stock market?

Then check the websites below.
The most important advice to make money in the stock market
Equitymaster  (Paid stock advisory services better than Osar capital)
Sanjay Bakshi, a successful value investor
Rakesh jhunjhunwala
Capital Ideas online Value investor Chetan Parikh
Basant Maheshwari, Value investor

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